Terapia de Casal
Ajudar na busca por relacionamentos mais saudáveis, compreendendo o papel, as responsabilidades e particularidades de cada um dentro da relação e do casal, construindo novas formas de funcionar, mais leais e duradouras.
What is it good for?
Roles in the relationship
Sometimes the roles in the relationship can be unequally distributed, or even realized in the first place, leading to built-up tension and unhappiness.
In couple counseling, we work to understand how and why both parties view the different roles, and how it affects the relationship overall.
Beliefs and values
Oftentimes, the beliefs and values people have stem from their childhood and past experiences, and when they don't align within the relationship, miscommunication can happen.
Together with a therapist, couples can work towards gaining a clear perspective into each others' beliefs and values.
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(11) 93091-9395
Get help wherever you are
On top of face-to-face counseling, we also offer online therapy for anyone and everyone. Ask about our hybrid packages that include both in-person and online therapy.